Top 10 Most In-Demand Jobs in the Philippines

Here's my top 10 list of most in-demand jobs in the Philippines. The data here are based from the latest "Beyond the Numbers" report of National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) Secretary General Jose Ramon Albert.

10 - Chemical engineers

9 - Teaching Professionals for the handicapped and disabled

8 - Pharmacists

7 - Medical Technologists

6 - Industrial Engineers

5 - Electrical Engineers

4 - Mechanical Engineers

3 - Systems Analysts and Designers

2 - Electronics and Communication Engineers

1 - Accountants and auditors

Photo Credits:

Carl J. Single for the Special Education Teachers.


  1. Same with US. One additional though: Nurses and teachers. Namaste--JB. May we continue to correspond.

  2. Very nice post, informative post, thanks for the posting.

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