Top 10 Things to Remember When Stopped at a Checkpoint

Stopped at a police or military checkpoint? Keep these top 10 things in mind:

10. Check that the checkpoint is well-lighted, properly identified and manned by uniformed personnel.

9. Upon approach, slow down, dim the headlights, and turn on the cabin lights.

8. Lock all doors for only visual search is allowed.

7. Never step out of the vehicle.

6. Be courteous and firm in answering ordinary or routine questions from authorities.

5. Do not open glove compartment, trunk or bags.  Do not submit to a physical or body search.

4. Be ready to use your cellphone at anytime. Speed dial emergency number.

3. Always keep your driver’s license and car registration within reach.

2. You have to assert your rights, have presence of mind, and do not panic

1. Report violations immediately. This may save others.

Source: Department of Justice Advisory No. 1, “Advisory on Rules on Military/Police Checkpoints.” 24 March 2011.
