2012 Bar Exams New Format

The Supreme Court enbanc last March 20 has again approved a new format of this year’s bar examinations at University of Santo Tomas. This innovation will be composed of 60% multiple choice questions and 40% traditional essay questions with Legal Memo only on the afternoon of the last Sunday on Practical Exercises.

All four (4) Sundays of October (7, 14, 21 & 28) will be the period for the examinations where on the first Sunday, exams on Political Law will be conducted in the morning and Labor Law in the afternoon. For the second Sunday, Civil Law and Taxation is set to be taken. For the third Sunday it will be Commercial Law and Criminal Law for the morning and afternoon, respectively. On the fourth Sunday, the examinees will be taking Remedial Law in the morning, and Legal Ethics & Practical Exercises in the afternoon.

 The subjects Political, Civil, and Remedial Law will have 100 multiple choice questions. The Labor, Tax & Criminal Law exams will have 75 MCQs. Legal Ethics will have 50 MCQs while the last subject, Legal Ethics & Practical Exercises will have 60% MCQ’s & 40% Legal Memorandum Writing.

Each examinee is expected to finish the each subject; Political, Civil, Commercial & Remedial in 2 hours from 8:00 to 10:00 AM. For Labor, Tax & Criminal, each subject must be answerable in 1.5 hours each from 2:00 to 3:30 PM. Finally, for Legal Ethics, one (1) hour from 1:30 to 2:30 in the afternoon. It has been estimated that each MCQ is answerable in one minute and 12 seconds.

For the time allotment for essay questions, ten (10) items in Political, Civil, Commercial & Remedial Law is solvable in two (2) hours each from 10:00 AM to 12:00 NN. For Labor, Tax & Criminal Law, ten (10) questions each is allotted answerable in 1.5 hours from 3:30 to 5:00 PM. On the other hand, the Trial Memorandum Writing focus on simple Civil or Criminal action answerable in 2.5 hours from 2:30 to 5:00 with 1 problem.

As a new feature of this year’s exams, all examinees will be allowed to bring home the questionnaires after every subject.
